Ways Diet Pills Can Harm Your Health

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Obesity has spread like an epidemic throughout the world and there are more and more people who are making the decision to purchase diet pills each and every day in hopes of losing weight. These products all paint a pretty picture in their advertisements such as perfectly toned bodies with little or no fat and this makes us believe that we can have the same type of body for ourselves, but one thing that they fail to mention is that a lot of these pills come with potential dangers to your health.
There are many people who purchase over-the-counter or herbal pills and they automatically believe that they are safe to take, but the truth is that many of them come with different side effects to your body.
Some diet pills do not interact well with other types of medications and a lot of people fail to think about this before they take them. The best thing for you to do if you are thinking about taking pills to lose weight is to see your doctor first to make sure that they are safe for you to take.
Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in a lot of diet pills and although caffeine is widely used in other products, it can pose dangers in diet pills. It increases your metabolism and that causes your heart to race faster and that can give you the jitters and make you feel dizzy and tired. This can prove to be hazardous, especially if you do a lot of driving to make a living. Caffeine can also cause people with certain medical conditions to have an irregular heartbeat and chest pain and there are also those who are real sensitive to taking it.
There is also an ingredient in some diet pills that is known as synephrine or citrus aurantium that comes from bitter orange. This ingredient is supposedly a safe alternative to ephedrine which was banned, but the truth is that many people have reported problems with their gastrointestinal tract-colitis-and heart conditions from taking supplements containing synephrine. Willow bark is another ingredient that can be found in some diet pills and this has been used since ancient times and it is similar to aspirin and it contains something called salicin. This can prove to be dangerous to those people who take them who are sensitive to aspirin. They can experience side effects such as stomach pain or the formation of ulcers.
One of the most serious risks of taking diet pills with salicin involves those who are on blood thinners or taking aspirin as they can interact with each other and affect your blood coagulation ability which can result in heavy bleeding. Apart from the dangers that we have already discussed in diet pills, there are also hundreds of different other ingredients found in them that have not been scientifically evaluated in order to determine whether or not they pose any other health risks.
There is one thing that has been proven and that is that all prescribed pills have side effects, but the difference is that these pills have been proven scientifically to work and they have well known side effects which the doctors can readily manage.
Last of all, if you are considering purchasing any type of diet pills, make sure that you read the package to assure what ingredients they have in them and be aware that they are in no way safer to take than a prescribed pill.
I hope that you enjoyed this article and if you would like some great free information on eating healthy, than please visit my site where you will find some great tips to help you live a long and healthy life.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/general-health-articles/ways-diet-pills-can-harm-your-health-785135.html
About Author:
I am a 54 year old retired mill worker from Northern Maine. I am happily married with 3 wonderful boys. My main interests are my family and God. I own a eating healthy web site with great tips and information that is designed to help you live a healthier and longer life. eatinghealthyhub.com Author: Brent Cullen