Telecommuting: Phone Work At Home

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By Robert Corter
Who would not like the luxury of being able to roll out of bed, stay in your pajamas, grab a cup of coffee and start your work day by walking twenty feet to your computer and telephone? For many people, this is not just a dream, but what they experience every morning. More people every day are seizing opportunities like this to begin doing some phone work at home.
There are different situations for everyone that this type of job can evolve from. Some people had been employees who commuted to an office every day and did their work. Companies over the years have determined that there are certain jobs within their business that do not need to be performed in an actual office and the employees can do a lot of their work from a home office. Jobs like data entry and customer service are positions that can easily be adapted to other locations.
In today’s marketplace, there are a number of placement companies and third-party sources who offer these services to major corporations. Companies hire these firms to take over the data entry or customer service portions of their work. These firms then go out and hire people to do the work from their homes.
Quite a bit of phone work done from a house is now part of the economy. Some companies hire people to work as customer service representatives, answering calls in their home while acting as an agent for the company. They handle issues regarding things like receiving catalogs, tracking shipping and answering general questions regarding service.
Some companies even farm out their order taking to be done in this manner. While a lot of business is done over the Internet, there are still a large number of customers who want to talk to a person while they place an order. Companies will hire people to take orders over the phone yet still work at their own home. A computer can link them directly to the company’s system so the orders get filed and processed.
Many companies now do their entire customer call centers using people who work at home. It not only offers the company a cheaper alternative than spending millions on technology and office space for a call center but it gives at-home parents and people who would prefer to work at home the chance to make a living.
Businesses often have certain requirements for a phone system and a computer for people who want to do this job. Usually the employee must also commit to a certain work schedule of uninterrupted time as well. They recommend that a person have a quiet home office space that they can do their work from.
Doing phone work from home can provide a great opportunity to make some extra income for at-home parents or for those seeking regular employment. Getting the chance to stay home and be comfortable while working is not chance everyone gets. It may be a nice career opportunity that grows more in the future.
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